When I discover something big, I want the world to know.
What I've discovered so far is that people all over the world, don't necessarily want to know. Still, I started in English to reach as many people as possible and it turned out to be a success.
During these 3 years of blogging, I have been in contact with some great people all over the world from Asia, America, Australia...other countries in Europe...which was one of my goals when I started. I'm very grateful for that and I certainly learned something from every conversation that followed.
Personally, I often refer to today's technology, that informs on such a large scale about what's happening all over the world, that I lose sight of what's happening under my nose. That's really the conclusion I drew. Great, I know what's happening in Japan, put all my energy into it, talk about it, I get emotional about it and it doesn't change what's happening in Japan. Does that sound familiar? And at the same time, someone on my side, can beg for help and I probably don't realize that. Too busy with Japan. Understandable?
(I took Japan as an example, also because it is actually far away from where I live, now it can be something else that can disrupt my attention).
By walking more consciously outside my home today, I realize that there are quite a few people looking for the kind of information I have. The ones I share in English (a language they don't necessarily speak, in an environment where they aren't necessarily active and where they wouldn't really find it). So on the one hand it's great that it serves people all over the world, on the other hand it's so frustrating not to be able to point people that live so close to me, in a possible direction of search for them.
I tried to deal with that some time ago by explaining the translation feature, now I've come to the point where I'll do it the other way around. I'll start this blog all over again, do it in my native language (which I don't necessarily know better than other languages, I'll call it my writing style) and of course can be translated by clicking right, translate ‘English’ for the world to read it if they want.
My next chapters will be available at www.stevendeschuyteneer.be.
Thanks to the world and its living creatures that constantly send me energy, prana, to drive me every day to be the best version of myself in a given situation and at a given time.
I love you!
#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #giveupfear #stopglobal #golocal #stevendeschuyteneer #energy #prana #Iloveyou