woensdag 26 december 2018

The world is fantastic if I look with the right eyes - 2018 overview!

I’m very grateful for every day in my life!

2018 has been another year of plenty little steps in all kinds of directions, feeling all life on earth, as a big community and seeing the wonderfulness in each one!

The world has never been as clear to me, as it is today.

I have never felt more connected to myself than I’m today and I wish that to everybody.

My life has changed, including;

Concrete steps that I took to change my life?


I just had to change the eyes, I was looking thru in order to see all that!

Like I’ve always said, I started my blog, to share and hopefully help light up the best in every one of us!


Does it really help?

Should I really continue with that?

I have asked myself that question quite often, ‘WHY’ continuing doing that? What does it change?

Of course my ultimate goal is to make people see great things that I see, to make them thirsty of life, with all kinds of great new discoveries and to make them like they are truly made, compassionate human beings for all life on earth.

I realize the above is not so easy and which is what sometimes raises the question of the ‘WHY’.

Now I look way more with a focus on myself, I believe it is really a very good start, if everybody would do that, the world would probably be a better place to live.

So yes, I’ll continue, since it feels so good to say what I want to say, to be free like I want to be free, to share what I want to share, to meet up with whom I should meet up.

Let’s continue to inspire each other!

Happy New Year!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #freedom #giveupfear #wonderfull2018 #happynewyear #Morningrituals #Artisticapreciation #Bettersex #Spiritualdevelopment #Inspiringconferences #DiscoveryofTantra #Tantra #why #inspireeachother

woensdag 19 december 2018

My relation with money

My understanding of money when I grew up, was that it was the most important thing to have, in order to survive. If I have the money, I can survive everything and can buy everything I might need or dream of. It seemed like it brings the world down to my feet.

I've never been rich, neither have I been poor, I nevertheless always had what I needed, and in some circumstances, even what I wanted, so I'm very grateful for all that and maybe that is already a definition of rich.

As soon as I started to work, a new relation with money would start. Needed to have as much as I can in order to be able to do great things that all costed money, some even a lot of money. Buying an apartment, a car, a motorbike, a house, holidays, clothes, all kinds of electronics...

The list was unlimited and it really felt like the more I had, the happier I would be. At the moment itself, it was always great when I had something new, on the longer term, it felt like the usual stuff. If everything new, feels always like the usual stuff on the longer term, I would of course be trapped in a vicious circle. A vicious circle of always wanting more and needing more money.

It's when I changed my food habits that some things became clear for me. In the world I live today, I will need money to survive, definitely, now maybe not as much as I pretend to believe. There is maybe also no link to my happiness and the stuff I possess like explained over here.

Today I live with way less than I used to live, charity support is a part of my monthly expenses, besides the house, great food and strictly necessities, I try to limit my expenses. What I found out is that today I live with way less, much happier than I used to live before.

Today my happiness is related to things that just happen to be there and cost no money. Mindfulness, minimalism... are all great things that contribute to that. With how I look at the world today, I've unfortunately to conclude that money broke more things than it fixed.

Now sometimes, I think, that we've to live both sides of the stories to understand. I don't think I can imagine how it is without money, if I always had it and still have it. So I’ve probably not much credit to speak on this. Now I'm really happy that I managed to step out of the vicious circle of wanting more possessions, needing more money to get these possessions and get back to a position of providing as well.

All grateful for the life I'm able to live and the signs it provides me.

If you aren't happy for what you already have, then what makes you think you will be happy with more.” ― Maddy Malhotra

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #newrelationwithmoney #charitysupport #strictlynecessities #limitexpenses #Mindfulness #minimalism #grateful #MaddyMalhotra

dinsdag 11 december 2018

Nature provides it all and why is it not enough?

When I just think about, what do I really need to survive, for me it can be reduced to:

  • Air
  • Water
  • Food (in the form of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds)

These are things that nature provides all for free for me (or these days almost for free and almost in good quality).

Today, if I look a little critical towards these 3 things, I could say that:

  • Air is fucked up.
  • Water is very polluted with less and less life in it.
  • Fruits and vegetables, move more and more away from the original nutritional form nature provided them to me.

What is the reason of that bad air, polluted water and none nutritional plants?

Pretty simple, ‘Humans’.

The way I used to live creates;

  • From the air, enormous co2, probably majority due to the consumption of animal products (meat, milk...).
  • From the water, all the chemical products I used to use, for cleaning, washing... go all in the water of which we try to make drinking water again.
  • From the plants, I buy the cheapest ones. What does this mean for the reseller to guarantee still some profit? That they require a lot of chemicals and being genetically manipulated in order to be sustainable for the manufacturer in the long term.

I'm the only reason, nature doesn't provide me any more with what I need.
As a kid, I used to hear quite often that we as humans are way smarter than nature, with everything I know today, I’m not so sure anymore about that.

Due to current life habits, in order to get sleep and survive, especially related to temperature, a house might follow as a requirement very closely after air, water and food.

Why is that?

Maybe because I want to stay at a location that is not made to live all year long?

Maybe we should go to a warmer place on earth during that time, just like a lot of animals do as well?

And when I have all the above, I want a car, a cell phone, a computer... why?

Because I believe there is more than what nature provides me right?

What more there is?

Yes, there is love, friendship, community, compassion... and do I believe all these material things will bring that?

At some point I had to conclude that nature provides it all, as a ‘human’, I didn’t find it enough, went in a direction that I think is smarter and started to create my own issues.

"Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to." ― Alfred A. Montapert

Maybe nature is a place we should look more at in order to find the real essence of life, which seem so hard to find!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #Air #Water #Food #love #friendship #community #compassion #Animals #AlfredAMontapert

woensdag 5 december 2018

I’m unique

One thing that is great about human life, is, that it is for every human unique and different. It means that everyone has his own truth, no good or bad, no judgement at all.

Although I know that I'm unique, just like everyone else, I've a hard time accepting it and it sometimes can feel pretty lonely. In fact, it feels great when all is going well, it’s a bit more difficult to handle the fact that I’m unique when I struggle. Since very young, I felt that I'm always on the search for other humans interested in similar things that I'm interested in.

Whether it was for certain games, sports, celebrities, music... I enjoyed to be somehow connected in these communities. Sometimes I used to buy stuff, with which I hoped it makes me like someone else I admire.

The day that I changed my food habits, nature really provided me a complete different view on this. It made me see the uniqueness, in each and every one again. It is clear that everyone is a genius. Now of course, if the only thing I do is comparing, it’s a difficult starting point, since we know that we are all different.

Today, I still 
pretty much search for communities on a variety of themes. What is changed, is that I see them as a connection point, to connect with people. Probably on a search for growth. Definitely not like something to compare with.

I think that it is pretty much like little children would do. When they play games, when they want to have fun, when they do sports, it's because they like it and feel that they are somehow good at it. It is the music they like to listen to...
It is not because someone else told so, it's not because someone else likes that...

I accept that I'm unique!

It took me 35 years, to find out and understand the quote here below that changed my life forever in a very positive way!

Bob Moawad - “The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #humanlife #everyhumanunique #owntruth #nojudgement #communities #BobMoawad