zondag 29 april 2018

Inspiring conferences in Belgium for a better tomorrow!

I’ve read a lot of books, (still do, will soon get the list out from after Nassrine Reza - La Nutri-émotion) and watched a lot of movies, now no message sinks into me so strong, as a real life conference that I attend.

The energy in the place, the energy of the speaker and everything around, are magical things that YouTube, Facebook live... will never be able to replace for me.

I always feel privileged when I’m able to attend such a conference and especially when they happen in Belgium. I’ve never really attended a lot of them in the past and it's only last year, in 2017 that a I went to a few of them.

Like I explained here, I had seen Iréne Grosjean’s video on YouTube, now it is only when I went to her premises that things changed, and seeing her again last year live in April in Belgium, was really a very blissful moment for me.

A bit later during the year at Veggieworld in Brussels, I saw 2 amazingly inspiring conferences as well.

Seen my raw food preference, the great 2 books we already have from them, it was great to see the raw chefs Julie and Simon, and witness all the love and energy set in what they do!


And of course, I had to witness a presentation from Tobias. Since I had read the book very carefully and it had been very inspiring to me, I did not expect anything at all. Now I was very surprised that his presentation was similar, different, complementary... with the book and I appreciated it very heavily!

This was 2017, so with 3 inspiring conferences, the last week was quite amazing in Belgium for me.

For 2018, it all started, last Saturday, 21 April 2018 at Tomorrow Now at Liège, where I attended the conference of Pablo Servigne, ‘L’entraide, l’autre loi de la jungle’. I found the conference, inspiring, definitely for a better tomorrow, the view was quite scientifically and I just missed some concrete directions at the end.

On Tuesday 24 April I went to ‘H) éérlijk plant-aardig’ hosted by Groen Groot-Aarschot. It was pretty unique for me to see wonderful movement like Groen Aarschot organizing such a great event and make it accessible for everybody for free. I’ve to admit that I was slightly jealous of those who live in Aarschot. It is only afterwards that I realized who were the great people from Groen Aarschot unfortunately, otherwise I would have definitely had a talk with them to get some inspiration out of their wonderful work.

During the event they proposed 2 wonderful conferences.
The one from Siobhan Dolezal from Plantseeds, was I’m pretty sure, one that everybody could find himself in. Everyone can feel connected to it, we all struggle and the help of food in healing, is a vision I share as well. I appreciated the link at the end with the references to Rich Roll and athlete I appreciate a lot as well.

The second one was from Dr. Annelies Moons, a general practitioner, that has the certificate of succeeded the Colin Cambell’s Plant Based Nutrition course. The discovery of Annelies Moons via her article ‘Tegen de stroom in (opinie huisarts)’ provided me a lot of hope. Yes, finally, doktors, and not only very specialized ones, yes also general practitioner, start to learn about nutrition. For the moment she is the only one I know as a general practitioner, I sincerely hope her example will be widely followed and that we’ll soon, apply Hippocrates wise words; 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.'. Her conference was pretty technical and medically explained. It contained a lot of information and it included almost everything I’ve learned since beginning of 2014. Very interesting and I know where I will do my yearly checkup to get my sport certificate in the future.

On Saturday 28 April 2018 I went to Conférence Guillaume Corpard hosted by le Rêve d'Aby, Happy Earth Now and Guillaume Corpard. Thanks to le Rêve d'Aby for proposing everybody this opportunity as well.

Guillaume Corpard guided us on a wave from animal cruelty, to a planet in need of help, towards each individual future health. A conference I really recommend for all French speakings, it covers it all, heart opening and game changer.

If a conference sounds like too early, or not accessible, start with his book.

I’ve personally been very touched by his message on the lobbying and marketing, which I try to explain here as well and it’s the first time I heard 
someone so openly on that subject.

It has been an overwhelming week for me, 4 excellent conferences from amazing people, providing a lot of hope for the future, wonderful work and please continue to do such a great work!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #lovelynature #nature #IréneGrosjean #VeggieworldBrussels #julieslifestyle #theveganstrategist #TomorrowNowLiège #PabloServigne #Héérlijkplantaardig #GroenAarschot #SiobhanDolezal #Plantseeds #RichRoll #DrAnneliesMoons #ColinCambell #PlantBasedNutrition #tegendestroominopiniehuisarts #vegangeneralpractitioner #Hippocrates #RêvedAby #HappyEarthNow #GuillaumeCorpard

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