zaterdag 4 augustus 2018

How to educate kids?

I still remember very well when a few seconds after the birth of my first kid, the nurse gave my son into my hands. It was magical, beautiful, indescribable and a great unforgettable moment in my life. Now some time later when we left the hospital, I realized that although we received quite some good information, there was not really a manual that was provided on how to educate kids.

Although I’ve learned a lot on the subject, I’m really wondering if at some point there will not have to be a new manual that will have to be written, rather than what is culturally known and accepted today.

3 main points that get my attention:

MILK OR FOOD IN GENERAL - kids need milk indeed, now from their mom, right? Why are we providing them with the milk that is normally foreseen for a calf like I explain here. What do they learn about food in general and from whom?

SCHOOL - Why do we learn kids things for +-20 years, on which they then spent +-20 years to unlearn them? I heard that the school has been, created because adults had to work and couldn’t take care of their children. And if so, is it logic that we then at school provide them education to get asap in the capitalistic society, not really to become their most authentic self?

EVOLVEMENT - I strongly believe that in order to survive as a species, everybody has a mission over here that he or she will naturally do as the best. Now, almost nobody can naturally develop what he likes and where he is good at, basically because they learn at school to be exactly the same as the other children, which is just going against nature.

Why do I do the above, because that is not how I learned it, that is how it was done before.

And we copied from generation to generation without realizing that we are killing our own species.

We live in a way that is not sustainable for our planet. If I look only to the meat industry, we will run out of resources. How can I be so stupid to not have seen that before and not done anything else before? It is probably the major and the only regret I have.

Now there is hope, and I will even say some positive things about technology (which some might think that I’m a bit against it, which is really not the case).

It is good (of course it can always be seen from both sides) that today I get news, not just by one newspaper that has the monopoly and decide individually how I receive the news. Rather that I can decide, who provide me the news and I can decide whether I like the positive or the negative one.

This creates that quite some youth now, are not really so inline anymore with what parents and teachers are telling them. These annoying rebel kids, right? They are not rebelling, they are just not brainwashed anymore and made believe what some wanted them to believe. They can create naturally what feels good for them and which direction they should proceed with.

True, there are some traps that we’ve to protect them from, now the majority of things they will find naturally the answer to.

Why do some kids want to become vegetarian after knowing what happens to the animals they eat?

Couldn’t it be, that they don’t eat meat anymore, because the reason they eat it, is because someone just told them to do so and that they today follow their own natural instinct?

I think more and more we set what we know in question. Why do we know? Where is the info coming from?

More and more we come to the conclusion that we do what we do, because someone just told us so.

Why is it only recently in my life that I learned about ‘Ahimsa’?

On the opposite I did learn from day one on earth, come up for yourself, fight even if necessary, because no one else will do it for me.

I had to seriously unlearn from that individuality, now what is scary, is of course that today we live in a world that is easier on me, if I just do what I have been told, then when I do, what I feel, feels right to do.

I believe we somehow lost the manual, now the future generations really provide slowly different direction, I’ll do my best to support them as well as I can. I’m sure we’ll get back on track at some time and if we won’t, I’m sure nature will help us with it (whether that is positive or negative is something else).

Nature is within all of us!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #education #bestauthenticself #Ahimsa #nature

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