dinsdag 14 augustus 2018

Buying organic food!

I buy organic food as much as I can and regardless from the price level. I buy it for my own health and with a conscious of trying to do the best I can at a given moment. Is it so much better? I don’t know, what I do know is that the chemical products used on non-organic food are not good for the health. It is clearly indicated on the box and I have to take quite some precocious if I would want to use it myself in the garden.

How do I know 100% that it is really organic and not just the same stuff more expensive? I don’t. At some point I have to trust. Which is difficult if I go in big supermarkets. A reason it of course works better, if it is from a local farmer with whom I can create a dialog and can even go and see when he is working.

For the non-organic food, of course, culture today shows me that there is really no issue, since the one that invent the crap they are spraying on the food (in order to increase their productivity), also work on the medicine to hide the symptoms I might have. If I want to live with that, the calculation to make then, is what is the price of the non-organic food, the medicines and the maybe longer term damage to my body which is difficult to measure against the price of the organic food. Is it still more expensive, I’m not so sure about that…

One thing that is nice to see, is that organic gets more popular. Why does it get more popular? Because quite some people start to understand that the products that are on normal consumer products made in mass, are not good for us. This means that although more expensive, more difficult to buy, people consciously take the choice to take that option against their economic benefit. The fact that there is more demand, makes it more popular, results in more organic stores opening and farmers converting in that direction as well. This is really what the organic movement is really all about. People set traditional ways of doing in doubt, we stop being the monkeys of previous generations and we take our health in our hands as our primary concern.

Quite often I hear, ‘yeah, now all these people working in these non-organic companies will lose their job’.

No, they won’t, the demand stays the same, so somewhere the work will have to be done. A lot of personalities and big companies are investing money in plant-based companies as well as organic products. That is not for nothing, it is a booming and quickly growing market, ideal for investments. I look forward to the day that the last meat/slaughterhouse employee changes jobs going to the plant-based alternative company!

Step by step we are getting there, or to say it with the words of Moby; ‘Somehow, humans overturned slavery. Against their own economic interest. And that is so encouraging. It means that even when it’s hard, humans ultimately do the right thing.’

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #organic #organicfood #niceevolution #moby

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