woensdag 25 oktober 2017

Things hidden from me for 35 years?

On some things I wonder like, how comes I only know this today?
What took me so long?

Of course I say ‘some things’, since for other ‘things’ it’s part of experience, very logical that I only realize that today, it is part of life, experience and maturity in general.

Now for the food, it’s a strange one!

What is the most important conscious thing for a human being on earth to stay alive?
(I consider breathing and having my heart bead natural and unconscious acts)

I would say to nourish myself with energy.

Some say I can survive and get energy from sunlight, at some moment I can survive and get energy from love...now as I’m concerned today, love definitely helps, now I still consider the energy for living to come majority from food for me.

What food?

Well, if I have to believe my first 35 years, here is what I learned;
  • Water
  • Bread
  • Potatoes
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Vegetables
  • ...
And then a tremendous list of food to be eaten with moderation (it is almost everything besides water and vegetables);
  • Soda
  • Alcohol
  • Chips
  • French fries
  • Cakes
  • Cookies
  • Biscuits
  • Gelatins
  • Pastries
  • Ice creams
  • Pies
  • Puddings
  • Meat
Ok, I get it, what is moderation?
Well, not too much?
Ok, what is not too much?
Well...never mind, I’ll feel it when it was too much, I’ll be sick! Ok, I get it.
And thus I started trialing to find the moderation point and I was amazed with what the body can handle.

Is it the way it should be?

Shouldn’t I learn a little bit more about food since the early days?

Is it normal that kids know how to work on the latest iphone (Adult comments; hey, what a great kid, did you see what he does with that iphone!) and have no clue on what to eat, how it comes to their plate and what it does with their body?

Visit of slaughter houses, greengrocer, fruit farmer,... should be standard excursions at school! Everybody has the right to know where their food is coming from, it’s where they will get their energy from to survive!

Now what I do know, is that some might not be pleased, if I knew what happens to my key energy (food) before it comes into my body.
Especially those that manufacture and sell products out of the tremendous list of food to be eaten with moderation.

Since if we understand why we should eat them in moderation and where they are coming from before coming to us, we might end up by not eating them at all anymore.
So yes, it is their goal to make sure I don’t get that view of it, keep it secret.

They did quite a good job, since it took me 35 years...now I think that the good times are over.
Everybody deserves to know what kind of energy he will be getting for his body and I’ve the feeling that kids are getting younger and younger aware of it, which is great!

For those concerned at a very high level on this, be inspired by the food babe.


She claims that for everything I eat, I should be able to get the list of ingredients, which is how it should be isn’t it?

I started to more than ever, take care of it, be the master of the energy I take in for myself and educate my kids accordingly so they can do it for them as well!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #whattoeat #freedom #longtimehidden #marketingtechniques #thefoodbabe #thefoodbabeway

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