woensdag 11 oktober 2017

What is freedom today?

I always tended to believe that I’m among the most free persons of the world. By getting older as well as changing my food habits, I realize that the freedom has maybe not always been what I thought it was.

As a kid, I received quite some ‘fear of’ information transmitted intentionally and unintentionally in my direction. This takes a serious and first part of my freedom away. It puts me in a condition where I do not explore everything totally free.

I then went into school, where I was supposed to do things in a certain way, for certain targets and mainly to be educated to get into the capitalistic society afterwards.

Once arriving in the society, starting to work, most of the time in a predefined way of doing it. I’m than influenced by the capitalist system, to consume (no matter if I need it or not, whether it is good for me or not, I’ve to consume) and be a part of the capitalistic circle.

Today life is foreseen to not really get out of that circle, and if I would manage to get to, the received ‘fear of’ will come in to make sure, I get back in.

If I look at all this, it make me think, well how free am I really?

I get overloaded with fear message from all kinds of communication channels, get educated to behave in a certain way, into a system that doesn’t really like people stepping out of what should be done. Nice little animation movie on the subject;

I realize that freedom is all in the head and very much related to the roots of fear.

If I can let go, to the roots of fear, I can be free in every situation I will be.

It took me quite some time to find out, came also with my changed food habits, that freedom is for me overall and inner thing and not something related to external circumstances like I always used to believe!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #giveupfear

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