dinsdag 11 december 2018

Nature provides it all and why is it not enough?

When I just think about, what do I really need to survive, for me it can be reduced to:

  • Air
  • Water
  • Food (in the form of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds)

These are things that nature provides all for free for me (or these days almost for free and almost in good quality).

Today, if I look a little critical towards these 3 things, I could say that:

  • Air is fucked up.
  • Water is very polluted with less and less life in it.
  • Fruits and vegetables, move more and more away from the original nutritional form nature provided them to me.

What is the reason of that bad air, polluted water and none nutritional plants?

Pretty simple, ‘Humans’.

The way I used to live creates;

  • From the air, enormous co2, probably majority due to the consumption of animal products (meat, milk...).
  • From the water, all the chemical products I used to use, for cleaning, washing... go all in the water of which we try to make drinking water again.
  • From the plants, I buy the cheapest ones. What does this mean for the reseller to guarantee still some profit? That they require a lot of chemicals and being genetically manipulated in order to be sustainable for the manufacturer in the long term.

I'm the only reason, nature doesn't provide me any more with what I need.
As a kid, I used to hear quite often that we as humans are way smarter than nature, with everything I know today, I’m not so sure anymore about that.

Due to current life habits, in order to get sleep and survive, especially related to temperature, a house might follow as a requirement very closely after air, water and food.

Why is that?

Maybe because I want to stay at a location that is not made to live all year long?

Maybe we should go to a warmer place on earth during that time, just like a lot of animals do as well?

And when I have all the above, I want a car, a cell phone, a computer... why?

Because I believe there is more than what nature provides me right?

What more there is?

Yes, there is love, friendship, community, compassion... and do I believe all these material things will bring that?

At some point I had to conclude that nature provides it all, as a ‘human’, I didn’t find it enough, went in a direction that I think is smarter and started to create my own issues.

"Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections, predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult standards for people to live up to." ― Alfred A. Montapert

Maybe nature is a place we should look more at in order to find the real essence of life, which seem so hard to find!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #Air #Water #Food #love #friendship #community #compassion #Animals #AlfredAMontapert

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