woensdag 5 december 2018

I’m unique

One thing that is great about human life, is, that it is for every human unique and different. It means that everyone has his own truth, no good or bad, no judgement at all.

Although I know that I'm unique, just like everyone else, I've a hard time accepting it and it sometimes can feel pretty lonely. In fact, it feels great when all is going well, it’s a bit more difficult to handle the fact that I’m unique when I struggle. Since very young, I felt that I'm always on the search for other humans interested in similar things that I'm interested in.

Whether it was for certain games, sports, celebrities, music... I enjoyed to be somehow connected in these communities. Sometimes I used to buy stuff, with which I hoped it makes me like someone else I admire.

The day that I changed my food habits, nature really provided me a complete different view on this. It made me see the uniqueness, in each and every one again. It is clear that everyone is a genius. Now of course, if the only thing I do is comparing, it’s a difficult starting point, since we know that we are all different.

Today, I still 
pretty much search for communities on a variety of themes. What is changed, is that I see them as a connection point, to connect with people. Probably on a search for growth. Definitely not like something to compare with.

I think that it is pretty much like little children would do. When they play games, when they want to have fun, when they do sports, it's because they like it and feel that they are somehow good at it. It is the music they like to listen to...
It is not because someone else told so, it's not because someone else likes that...

I accept that I'm unique!

It took me 35 years, to find out and understand the quote here below that changed my life forever in a very positive way!

Bob Moawad - “The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #humanlife #everyhumanunique #owntruth #nojudgement #communities #BobMoawad

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