vrijdag 17 maart 2017

When I eat raw food vegan I never get ill?

Yeah, right, and if I hold on long enough, I become superman…

Personally, I don’t believe there is anything that I can do that will spare me of getting ill. I know that I cheat too much for that in different area's, not only talking about food here. There are certainly a lot of other areas where I cheat all the time. On sleep par example, quite often I feel that I need more sleep, now sometimes I like so much the present moment, that I don’t want to break it by going to sleep and don’t really listen to my body.

So yes, I still get ill.

What did change is that for several years now, I don’t take any medicines anymore. The connection with my body, the feeling of what I experience is so magical, that even when I have a fever, I’m so grateful to my body of handling that situation so well.

When I was going vegan, I felt that it had a great improvement, now not necessarily healthier. Many unhealthy and processed foods can still be vegan.
I do believe that food is having a big contribution in my health, now I do know that it is definitely not the only one. The way I physically and mentally use my body is having at least and as big influence I believe. It is when I feel in all areas well balanced, that I feel at my best.
Besides food, the practice of meditation and yoga make me extremely well.

So overall I can say that I have to feel my body and try to listen to it as well as I can. I should listen to everything that feels natural, now in the duality of life, I think that being ill is part of nature just like being extremely healthy. It is especially the way how I experience it, that changed completely by eating raw food vegan.

#vegan #rawfoodvegan #nature #health #fast #fruitsandvegetables #plants #neverill #duality

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