woensdag 6 december 2017

Lovely Animals!

I love animals, is what I used to think.
Today looking back to that, before my changed food habit I was a serial killer and there was no love however towards animals!

I used to eat several of them (mainly chicken, cows & fish) and everything smaller than me got killed if they came into my life and didn’t please me.

Bees, flies... would always annoy me, mosquitos would always be where I was and spiders would also follow that same path as the mosquitos. So I had only one goal, kill those who annoy me in order to have a peaceful life.

When I changed my food habits, by removing everything that comes from animals and also completely eliminate refined sugar out of my diet, my relation with animals changed completely.

It started with not eating them anymore and it resulted in having a way different view of them.

It looks like we are all part of the ecosystem all doing what we are supposed to do here on earth.

They also looked like annoying me way less than before. I removed my refined sugar intake, so the bees had maybe not much interested in me anymore, now also for the mosquitos, it looks like they provide me way more peace than they did before.

All these smaller creatures, if they still do things I don’t appreciate so much, I use this technique

to set them out of the place I’m in, so I can, as well as they can, continue their journey on earth.

Of course I still defend myself, if a mosquito is pricking me, it hurts, I might have a reflex of making him a little smaller, just like when I’m annoying a bear, he might have a reflex of making me a little smaller as well.

After the experience, let so far, today I see all animals as extremely lovely.
It’s true that dogs still scare me when I’m running and they very hungrily follow me, now for a lot of the animals it is the view we’ve of them, that creates our feeling. This view has quite often been created by things that are not the reality. We base our self on what we’ve seen in movies, hear in the news and then handle these animals accordingly.

From what I’ve seen so far, all the living creatures have the same peaceful intentions, are lovely creatures, they have just lost the road a bit sometimes just like I have.

They cannot speak (now look in their eyes and there will be communication), so it’s great to see that a lot of organisation like Bite Back, Animal Rights, Sea Shepherd, Gaia... do it for them.

Unity - Equal - All one

Inspiring TED talk on the subject as well

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #freeanimals #freedom #stopcruelty #lovelyanimals #biteback #animalrights #seashepherd #gaia #unity #equal #allone #one #TedTalk #SimoneReyes

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