woensdag 13 december 2017

Believe so I know or Know so I believe!

It is always a difficult one to answer, do I believe in something and that’s how I know it, or do I know something and that’s why I believe in it?
There have been definitely always both sides of the story for me.

Before I changed my food habits, I didn’t really know anything on the subject.
So what did I believe in to start knowing, or what did I know to start believing in?

I didn’t know anything, I have been just the monkey copying what all the others were doing and assumed that to be right for me.
Now I did believe in something, that there was something way better than what I was eating at that moment.
How did I know out of my believe, what would be better for me?

Well, I started to read books (you can find some references about them over here), now not to know, just to get some direction where to search.

One of the directions I came quite fast across is, increase your vegetable intake and reduce or even remove the processed food.

Increase vegetable intake was quite easy and straightforward. I never heard anything bad from vegetables, never heard someone say, be careful with that vegetable since you might eat too much of them. I heart that some see french fries, chips, dauphine gratin... as vegetables now that direction didn’t make sense for me so left it out.

Removing on the other side the processed food, was quite a challenge. It was everywhere in what I ate. I was used to eating quite some processed food like; bread, pastas, cereals…
Instead of removing all of them at once, I would start with one, so I removed the bread and started to feel the effect it had on me.
By what do I replace the bread? Well, by more vegetables of course, then it would be a win win.
So for lunch, I used to make big nice salads instead of my regular bread.
For the pasta, I start to progressively reducing it, instead of 2 times a week, go to 1 time a week.  I also searched for some alternatives of the pasta and even came across pasta complete made out of vegetables (again a win win situation).

By removing slowly and surely all that processed food out of my daily habits, one thing changed tremendously, I felt way better than I felt before. So I started to know out of my own feelings, what is better for me. I guess majority know the story of ‘doubting Thomas’ and in some way I guess I have some of that in me.

Which was now confirmed by me feeling, so I started to know for myself and since I knew, I surely believe in it.

Since I feel how I feel today, I definitely feel what is good for me and try to continue these small steps in what I believe as the best direction for me.

Today quite often people tell me ‘that change is huge’ I can’t do that!

If I would say that I move 1 km a day, I’m probably today +1000 km of where I originally was. So yes, that walk is huge, no doubt about it. Now why could I do that and someone else couldn’t?
Not because I’m me, not because some call me Mr.extreme… just because I moved step by step, making little changes at a time.

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.― Martin Luther King Jr.
What step to take today?

Where to start, well I can’t say it better than Dr. Michael Klaper says it, ‘it’s the food!’

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #giveupfear #MartinLutherKingJr #stepbystep #removeprocessedfood #increasevegetables #DrMichaelKlaper

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