woensdag 27 december 2017

Wonderful world I discovered in 2017!

I’m very grateful for every day in my life!
2017 has been another year of plenty little steps in all kinds of directions, feeling all life on earth, as a big community and seeing the wonderfulness in each one!

Since I changed my food habits, I wanted to get in contact with all kinds of great people and I definitely had no definition of it, I started open minded. It made me realize quite fast, that all people are great people and that the search wasn’t too difficult. I just had to change the eyes, I was looking thru in order to see all that!

A big inspiration has been the quote of Bob MoawadThe best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.

With that in mind, I started to continue taking little steps and here is 2017!

  • I started drawing again, something that had passionate me since I was a kid and for which I clearly didn’t take the time!

  • I removed myself from organisations with whom I had no connection anymore and increased my involvement with organizations I felt extremely connected.

  • I became an active member of the ‘Tables végétales’ promoting actively more vegetables in our diet and organizing 4 times a year a RAW food plant based experience in our house open for everybody to join!

  • I started to visit and talk with people at different events where my wife with her company ‘L’envol du colibri’ would participate;
- Veggie World Brussels
- ...

  • Increase my activity in my own vegetable garden.

  • My Miracle Morning is not a must, it’s a privilege of my day, and Yoga is a daily part of it.

  • I decided to increase my involvement in making local plant based life easier, by in a first step becoming Ambassador of Leuven for HappyCow.

I would love to hear about the steps you have taken and/or plan to take (without procrastinating), let’s inspire each other!

Happy New Year!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #freedom #giveupfear #wonderfull2017 #happynewyear #BobMoawad #Tablesvégétales #RAWfood #plantbased #Lenvolducolibri #vegetablegarden #MiracleMorning #Yoga #BiteBack #VeggieWorldBrussels #SalonBioValérianeNamur #VeganforsleepingbeautyWaterloo #MarchéVeganNamur #PlanèteZenHélécine #SlowFashionOxfamMons #LovingHutVeganerie #CharityWater #rodekruis #KateMagic #HippocratesHealthInstitute #Etenvolleven #TobiasLeenart #JulieVandenKerchove #JOiCafé #HappyCow #startblogging

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