woensdag 8 november 2017

Love - Life - Live - Love!

I’m quite often surprised to hear that some love more, artificially created things above nature, or more precisely the body.

I do believe that we are spiritual beings living a human experience, so I could potentially say if I’m a spiritual being, the body is not that important.
That is partially correct, it of course depend on what kind of human experience I want to live?

For example, in my car I put this specific extremely expensive fuel, very specific oil...and why is that? Because that is how it works best, will last longer...so it will really be at its optimal performance.

What kind of fuel, oil… do I give to my body?
Is it mainly soda, biscuits , sugar, meat, carbs…
We might then expect it to be the most expensive and best quality of that stuff, right?
No, are you crazy, I look for the cheapest one?
Why is that?
Because I need money to buy more things like my car?
Is this world crazy?

Ok, back to the car, what happens if you set in bad fuel, bad oil...what happens?
It will not work very well, might get damaged, it might even stop working and I definitely lose my warranty.

How do I think my body will behave, if I treat it badly, like I treat my car here above?

So it looks like I have some kind of influence on the human experience that I’m having here.
It’s my choice as a spiritual being of how I will live my human experience.
Yeah, now for my car I know exactly what is good, I do not know that for my body.
Well, perhaps more than time to start learning about it right?
And do I really don’t know?

Let’s have a quiz;

Water or soda?
Fruit or refined sugar?
Whole food or processed food?
Vegetables or meat?

I know all the answers about what is good for me, now during my daily choices I ignore it because I prefer the sensation of what is less good. Fair enough, now I might have to face the consequences for that… I should think at the ride of my maltreated car, is that really what I want?

Do I like my car more for a ride than my human experience ride in my body?
Why is that?

I know that I’ve to ‘give love to get love’, if I don’t give love to my body, I don’t have to expect to get it out of it.

A question I ask myself is, if I don’t love myself, how can I love others?

I changed that point of view, today everyday I wake up, I try to be the best version of myself in all aspects.

To do that, I started to give my human experience body the love, attention, fuel, oil...with my change food habits and enjoy it to be what I describe as its optimal performance!

Love is all around.

One of my energy smoothies after sport; apples, bananas, kale, spirulina, ice cubes and some water.

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #love #loveyourbody #goodenergy

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