woensdag 22 november 2017

Clean my body!

Like I explained here, I was mainly looking to get a better connection with my body, and my changing food habits provided me this completely.
With progressively changing my food habits, I realized that a lot of things that I saw previously as bad, or being ill, were in fact signs that my body was working in an excellent way.
It cleaned and clearly showed that to me in a natural way.

In the beginning, since it is a changing condition, there is of course fear of the unknown. What if this clean feeling is actually being ill all the time? Am I not more ill than I used to be before?... All these questions are a normal state when I change something that has been for so long the standard.

Today for me, there is really no way back, I love this new life, way too much.

Even if the confrontation is sometimes hard. I wanted to feel things more natural, well, I do today, now they are not always things I want to be reminded of.

Especially went it comes to mental and emotional things, since yes, I feel also these much more natural.

When the confrontation is hard, on the short moment, the ignorance I had before, looks like more attracting for them. Now this is very short term, since it will come back to me till I’m ready to handle it correctly.

By feeling all this, I can every day, work on myself in becoming a more authentic best version of myself, I love this life and could have never imagined just changing the way I eat could bring that to me!

I look today everything in the eye as an opportunity, rather than running away from it and trying to ignore it like I used to before

‘if you change nothing, nothing will change’

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #cleanbody #change #changenothingnothingchange

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