woensdag 21 november 2018

The truth about cancer!

Like I explained here, severe illnesses, cancers… are things I’ve a really hard time believing that it is something nature, has created this for us. Nevertheless, I’ve the feeling that it is more and more present,and that it gets closer and closer to me and my beloved ones. Who in this world doesn’t have someone with a severe illnesses, cancers… close to him or her?

Via all the people I’m in contact with since my food changing habits, at some point Ty Bollinger caught my attention with his documentary called, "The Truth About Cancer" (https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/). Is it the truth? I don’t know, all that I know is that the answers I had read so far, were quite often; ‘this illness is quite unique, we don’t know, we are working on it…’. I’ve personally a hard time accepting such an answer. So any kind of other information is more than welcome for me and I’ll make my own truth out of it, which is what everyone is doing isn’t it?

So I started to listen to their 9 days free videos full with doctors, researchers, experts and survivors that show you exactly “how-to” prevent and treat cancer. During the complete documentary, besides the fact that they have excellent communication tools (it will be hard to miss an episode if email is checked), I couldn’t really find any real advertisement and that is for me always a good sign of open communication.

Related to food, there was of course a lot in there that I already discovered since my food changing habits as well. Now it clearly showed to me that it’s not a one thing, it’s not like eat healthy and all will be great. It will help and it’s a good step in the right direction, now it’s really a combination of about everything that is liked so much in modern lifestyle.

No clean air filtered by trees, no clean water, pollution, electromagnetic waves, stress, everything always faster...are all factors that directly or indirectly contribute to it.

The biggest one is of course money. If people are starting to make incredibly big money based on the diseases of others, it starts to get really difficult to provide these others the free natural alternative. This is where they will try to keep the truth hidden as long as possible, and that is really what I had as feeling during my discovery as well.

On the extreme level, besides air, food, habits... this even goes till the clothes we wear, that are too tight around our body. They, for example, took the explanation of the bra and push up bra, that is so tight around the body, that it’s not really good for the circulation of all life in it and could in somehow also contribute to breast cancer.

Another thing that blew my mind, was the mental side. When a patient strongly believes that he or she has a certain disease, the chance increase to actually develop the disease. So when a doctor actually tells it to me, it has an impact on the future development of the disease in my body.

Like Henry Ford used to say; “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right”.

Is all this the truth?

Again, I don’t know, as I said before, I think everybody has or creates his own truth.

What I do know is that I really appreciated Ty and his team creating all this being available for so many people all over the world. So that they all can create their own truth and at least have the other side of the story as well. Another side which I believe is widely hidden due to extreme high-level lobbying related to big money.

Human nature provides sufficient distrust of all that is alien, so that there is no need of any artificial supply.” — Calvin Coolidge

See also my previous post of Naturopathic medicine over here.

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #stopillnesses #stopcancers #TyBollinger #TheTruthAboutCancer #documentary #cleanair #cleanwater #stoppollution #HenryFord #CalvinCoolidge #Naturopathicmedicine

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