donderdag 28 september 2017

Is sleep related to food?

For me it definitely is!
When I changed my food habits, my whole body started to change and the quality of sleep increased exponentially.

In the first days, everything is new, it feels great, I feel lighter and there were no big changes on sleep that I felt. (I wanted to say that it is a period that feels like the first period of being in love, which is normally pretty special. Now for me personally, that isn’t true. I still feel like I’m in that first period of being in love and I’m pretty sure I will never get out of it.)

So in the beginning (first month(s)) sleep doesn’t really change, now it is not bad at all.
Since I pursued with the new food habits, I then came into a phase what is quite often called as detox.
This is where my body starts to adapt to the new way of eating, and also starts to get away of some garbage I used to throw into my body. It at that time also makes me feel very clear and naturally what is good for it and what not.
In this phase I didn’t feel very well, I lost weight and went even under my natural weight for my length. Now if in that phase there is something special, it is that my sleep quality increased enormously. The length was even quite extreme, going from 8 hours, 10 hours till sometimes even almost 12 hours. Mainly in periods that I used to do a lot of sport in the evening and getting up pretty early in the morning. At those moments the day after, a 12 hours sleep was not unusual. The quality of sleep was great, the water, first thing in the morning I drink, felt like a fresh waterfall coming into me with amazing energy. When later on in the day I then eat some fresh organic whole fruits, it gave me such a boost of energy, feeling lovely and great to get in the day.

Normally I thus indeed have my best energy during the day, some might think there is due to this nothing else I can do in the evening and not even get out to party. In the period of detox that might maybe be true, after that it definitely isn't the case. I now regularly drive the complete night to go on holidays and from time to time still party till pretty early in the morning. This said, I do feel that it's not ideal for my body.

If I think about all that today, it is all so natural, normal that my body needs rest for recovery and especially after big effort and no recovery rest time provided by me. I understand that today by feeling, by myself without any further explanation. I used to not listen to my body, eat a lot of products with refined sugar and drink things that would keep me awake, in order to only needing maybe 5-6 hours of sleep.

Today, after I continued to eat in the way I started all this, I don’t eat or drink any of that stuff anymore to keep me awake and I feel great. I’ve usually around 7 hours of very high quality sleep typically from 22h in the evening till 5h in the morning. When my miracle morning starts!

The only issue I’ve today is when I do some sport in the evening, my adrenaline level is quite high and it’s not easy to get a sleep with that. What I used to do for that is a 10 to 15 minute evening meditation, to calm down my mind and body completely, and I usually doesn’t know what happens just after I lay down and I’ve finished that mediation…

Sleep and the quality of it, is something that has increased very heavily with the food changed habits just like so many other things I have already described.

I love this life !

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #goodsleep #qualitysleep #listentoyourbody

vrijdag 22 september 2017

What a great Ecosystem!

Personally, I hear people quite often talking about ‘the ecosystem’. I've to admit that it took me some time to understand that today almost every context in which things have to work together, is a good one to use the word.

From my side, I always understood that ‘ecosystem', was the natural ecosystem.
Well the one with the earth, sun, water, live… in which I'm today very interested after my food change habitats.

So every time I hear somebody using the ‘the ecosystem’, my natural radar gets triggered in the hope it will be a discussion of extreme interest to me that I want to listen to. Unfortunately I'm almost in all cases very disappointed with the discussion, since it has nothing to do with nature what it’s supposed to mean originally to me.

Have I misunderstood originally the meaning of ‘the ecosystem’?

If not, I would suggest that everyone that uses ‘the ecosystem’ not in the context of nature, is obliged to talk about it in the scope of nature after his topic, since ‘the natural ecosystem’ gets to my feelings not the attention it deserves.

In my opinion, there is only one ‘ecosystem’, the one that keeps us alive and deserves all our attention!

A nice example of ‘the ecosystem’ here below;

Don’t we want too much for what the earth is foreseen with our cars, food, houses… ? Now I have to admit that we live in a world that is only focused on making us wanting more unfortunately and that it is not easy to not do so.

On this subject, a good start is this inspiring talk on climate change by one of the developer's of the Internet !
Talks also about capitalism, growing economy, the who we are and what we do are not in alignment, biomass distribution, clean air, nature, duality, happiness, compassion and that we are all vegan

Let’s all together take care of the ‘ecosystem’!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #ecosystem

woensdag 13 september 2017

Kids have great communication skills!

Communication is another thing that made much more sense after my changed eating habits and which felt way more natural than ever before.

I've always been passionate by communication and I truly believe it is one of the keys for fruitful relationships.

I personally find the non verbal one the most powerful. They are so profound and natural that it's such a universal communication. I have just the feeling that I unlearned to communicate that way, or to take it into consideration when communicating with someone. I had to learn again, what was natural to me. Friendship, compassion, love, respect, generosity… is all so easy to see or shown nonverbal, so without words, now I didn't see them anymore and definitely didn't express them anymore towards others.

After nonverbal, the verbal communication is what helped me keep relationships at the level I wanted them to be. Now communication is bidirectional, meaning that it is, if not more important, at least as important to listen, compared to speaking.

The trickiest part in listening, I still struggle with it today, is to do it for all subjects in a non judging way. Really, everyone has his strengths, weaknesses and is on his journey to try the best they can, just like I'm.

Communication is something in which I learn every day, now if everybody has unlearned it like I do, how will I be able to get it back?

I've not unlearned it, it has always been with me, I've just not used it anymore. The greatest teachers of great clear non-verbal, verbal and non judging communication are from my point of view the kids. I've learned so much from them and they have so naturally in them what I had learned to conditionally not using anymore.
When I really listen to a kid, they almost always say very clearly what they are looking for, what bothers them, how happy they are…

Kids are my true inspiration of great communication. If I want to make up with someone, we've a mutual desire to do so, communication like kids do, has always brought me there!

I give it a try everyday, to find the true communication within me, which is natural, non-verbal, verbal, not judging, listening, speaking and expressing.
Be my true self and accept the others to be there best true self as well.

The world is full of wonderful living creatures!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #communication #kidscommunication #nonjudging #listening

donderdag 7 september 2017

Beyond mindfulness!

I've already talked about the great contribution of Mindfulness in my life in this previous post.

Like said, I describe it as basically do one thing at a time and do it very consciously.

The ‘thing' can of course incorporate a lot of actions or senses, imagine the ‘thing' being car driving. A lot of different actions are required from my body in order to drive a car (when I understood that, I found it unbelievable that I even wanted to do more things while driving besides driving the car…) .
The ‘thing' can of course also be lay down still, which to me is probably easier to do consciously than car driving.

So within the Mindfulness for me, I can argument of what is beyond it and for others it is maybe the normal level.

Personally for me it is related to an action, walking, listening to music, driving a car, listening to someone, running…and do that one action very consciously.

With consciously, I really mean in the present moment.

Imagine that I'm Mindfully running.
No music, no other distractions and just me, my body and consciously doing the action running, feeling a great connection.

To be in the present moment, should I then while running watch just in front of me of what will happen the next second? Or can I look down the horizon to places I will only be after quite some running, so definitely in the future and not the close near future that can be seen as the present moment.

During exercises I followed for driving motorcycles, they learned me how I can trick the brain in order to go faster. This by only looking where I want to go and ideally as far away from myself as I can. That allowed me to go faster to the future objectives without having to be slowed down by scary situations in the present moment.

So back to running and where should I look? I'm not saying, I should not look to wonderful places around, it's maybe just in order to do it Mindfully, I should stop the running action, go to the action of enjoying the view from that place at that moment and go after that action, again to my running action instead of tricking my mind by trying to do several things at once?

I don't know if it is still understandable of what I want to express, and if it is not beyond Mindfulness, it is in any case my edge of Mindfulness today!

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #mindfulness #presentmoment #conscious #feelgood