woensdag 3 januari 2018

Start with easy plant based food habits!

When I started this adventure back in 2014, everything looked like extremely difficult and I certainly never imagined to eat for a majority raw plants, like I do today.

When I talk about it today to people, that are considering a change in their food habits, they are surprised how easy I find it, and certainly compared to the big barrier they see from their side.

How will I make that food? Where will I find it? Will it taste good? Will I not…

All questions that make perfect sense and on which I find the answers pretty easy.
These answers have of course not always been so easy to me.

In 2014 I was very happy to discover HappyCow and find some restaurants that could help me with my new food habits. It was great to buy some cooking books with receipts that interested us and that allowed us to make different dishes, compared to the start where we just left all animal based products out of it and exchanged them with plant based alternatives.

It is step by step on our journey, that we arrive where we are, and go where we want to.

I explain here, how I gradually changed my food habits and always discovered more about myself on the journey.

I’ve made small changes and then reviewed how I felt about them.

Herewith some possibilities of small changes for starting the process that I’ve taken;

  1. Increase vegetables in warm dishes (real vegetables, so not potatoes, french fries…). 
  2. Reduce or ideally remove meat. 
  3. Reduce or ideally remove fish. 
  4. Take instead of regular breakfast (or lunch, probably more difficult), all fruits, those liked the most and as much as wanted. 
  5. Remove bread and replace it with more vegetables. 
  6. Eat at noon a good salad with all vegetables the once liked the most (ideally as close to whole food as possible, although for a start, could take some prepared ones to get a good transition in the papillae as well). 
  7. Drink only water and infusions for hot drinks if prefered. 
  8. Reduce or ideally remove refined sugar. 
  9. Reduce or ideally remove milk. 
  10. Reduce or ideally remove cheese (probably one of the most difficult ones to start with due to the addictive substances in cheese). 
  11. ... 

I just took one of these little changes and reviewed how I felt afterwards.

All of the points here above (if done with no cheating), are points I felt a clear difference with.

I liked the difference and then tried out another one...

I know nobody, that made the change radically for everything overnight, so doing it, step by step, is maybe not such a bad start!

'The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.' Quote by Lao Tzu.

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #stepbystep #LaoTzu #smallchanges #happycow

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