woensdag 24 januari 2018

Happiness in simplicity not complexity!

I realize that I’m quite often unconsciously projecting a future vision and that it is hard to go against it. In those visions, the most difficult, complex, look, or feel always like the ‘one and only truth’, which it quite often not is.

Related to food, I will quite often say, when I can eat that special dish, it will make me very happy. In reality, that dish doesn’t make me any happier than another one (or maybe just for a very short period), it is just my perception of it that makes it that way.

In this purpose, what I can do is more identify my real need instead of a well defined envisioned future. Concretely, instead of saying, I would like to eat a ‘RAW blueberry cheesecake’, rather wondering what kind of taste I am looking for (of course, if I can understand mentally why I want this, it’s even better, now I will let that aside for the moment) and relate it to that. So for this I could say, I’ve really a hunger, or an envy of something sweet. From there to look around, try to see or feel it, and embrace with a let go attitude everything that’s on the way.

If I come across an apple, bananas… or a RAW tiramisu, it’s all good and I’m grateful that I managed to find something for my sweet desire.
Without doing any projection or vision of the future, this exercise here above is way easier to do. I relate to it in the example here above for food, now I find it true for all other things in my life as well.

Let’s take the example in a couple relationship.

I’m happy with the relationship I’ve, now via all kinds of ways (movies, TV, social media…) I see examples of what might to seem even nicer.

So I start to dream, vision and imagine myself in that scenario (until there, no issues).

It’s when I start to get attached to it, as that being my only reference of happiness, that I’m going in the wrong direction.

I vision myself in that situation and link it to my happiness.

If I do that, I might then explain that to my partner so he clearly understands my desires, right?

Oh no, in the movie the partner didn’t need any explanations, so if my partner is not doing it the same way, how can I be happy?
I’ve been in the kind of situation here above, in all kinds of contexts quite often and the only take out of that I had was; ‘I was not present in the moment and have always been disappointed with the outcome’.

So today, I started to realize all this (made much easier after my changing food habits) that, of course I can hold on to a goal, now make it global, simple and leave much of room for creativity in it.

For the RAW blueberry cheesecake, make the goal looking for something sweet.

When interested in RAW food, make the goal to eat just a bit more whole foods, don’t go right away to make the RAW tiramisu.

For the couple relationship thing, make the goal just being together and talk/listen to each other.

For a holiday, make it just a disconnection with usual daily habits.

don’t go any further than the above, and have peace with what I quite often hear; ‘only future can tell’.

I should keep it simple, and realize that thru all kinds of simple things, happen great things that I could have never have imagined, that I managed to feel and live full consciously.

Life is beautiful, let go and enjoy all wonderful things very consciously in full happiness.

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #simplicity #happiness #conscious #presentmoment #stopprojecting

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