dinsdag 28 mei 2019

Don’t let outside beat inside!

Very often when I run when it's very hot, it rains, very windy, it snows... and I meet people on my path, they say: 'courage', 'I feel sorry for you', 'hold on', 'be strong'.... This when I am actually smiling and very happy. It makes me realize how often in the past I blamed the outside world for not doing anything.

Oh, it's cold, it's raining, it's raining, there's too much wind, it'll be too slippery... all these are easy external parameters to do nothing. I used to do that all the time before I changed my eating habits. Then I listened much deeper to what I really love, and realized that this kind of apology disappeared.

I realized that I wasn't listening to my insides at all and was really overwhelmed by the outside. In me there is a love for all sorts of fun things and I just didn't listen to it. I was way too busy with other things, like blaming the outside world, sitting on the couch, watching TV, eating worthless food.... and last but not least, working 75% of the time of the day to get some money, with whom I have no real plans instead of paying debts or spending them on possessions.

Really Steven, is that it?

When I changed my eating habits and looked inside much more, I discovered that many (if not all) of the answers I am looking for are really in there. I soon found out how distracted I was from what I feel real life. I was doing things that let me get a glimpse of how to go on without really knowing why? I was inundated with information that only encouraged me to keep doing that.

I had to conclude that behind many of the things I thought I should feel good with (distractions), were things I couldn't have imagined.

When I discovered all the experiences I really liked from the heart and being able to let go of the outside, there isn't really much that can ruin that experience.

I love to feel good and therefore take care of myself, to listen to my body (not my mind) and to try to make the best decision for it at any moment.

I like an energetic feeling, so I do a lot of sports, I like the Basketball game as a team and I like to run consciously as an individual.

I like to be surrounded by living creatures, so any chance is good for that.

I am really grateful that today I am able to follow my inner self, love every second of my life and be completely at peace with the outside world.

#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #freedom #giveupfear #listentoinside #blamingtheoutside #lookinside #experiences #listentobodynotmind #energeticfeeling #likeBasketball #surroundedbylivingcreatures #grateful #followinnerself #loveeverysecondoflife #peacewithoutsideworld

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