We often go to friends' homes and eat together, always wonderful moments.
Very easy to organize if I eat everything.
If I go to a diet other than the regular diet, such as currently a vegan diet, these dinners can become a little more challenging for the one who invites.
If the vegan plays a home game, it is probably still easy, the guests will miss their animal products once, now most of the time get an abundance of fruits and vegetables back.
For once not so bad.
If it is the other way around, if the vegan is invited, it can be very challenging for the one who plays a home game and is not used to making vegan food. What do these vegans eat? Almost everything has animal products in it...... maybe we shouldn't invite them anymore?
It's true, almost everything has animal products in it, this is how our culture has evolved today and how large industries can make big business, so please don't change, is what they are trying to tell me.
There is a shortcut, I can go to www.happycow.com to find a local vegan or vegetarian restaurant, order the food there and serve it in my home. The guests will be very happy, now life doesn't have to be that complicated, I just wanted to mention it as an option if I 'believe' that I don't have any cooking skills at all (which I really believe everyone has, we just lose the connection with it).

It can be very easy, I just take what I usually eat, remove the meat, use veggie milk instead of animal milk, use olive oil or vegetable margarine instead of butter and increase the share of vegetables.
I'll explain here, using a concrete example, what the first easy way is, to make a dinner for vegans I've invited. Let us be inspired by the North African cuisine and make a Couscous for 6 people.
I buy most of my ingredients from a local organic farmer or shop. Find one near your home!
For Beauvechain I have;
Local organic farmer = http://www.lepotagerdelise.be
Local organic shop = http://www.monpanierbio.be/
Local organic shop = https://biostory.be/
In Leuven there is the beautiful organic shop = http://www.thefoodhub.be/
4 onions
4 carrots
2 courgettes
4 peppers
1 eggplant
1 pot of chickpeas
1 bottle of peeled tomatoes
2 tablespoons vegetable stock
2 sprigs of parsley
Olive oil cold pressed first
Couscous herbs
Vegetable margarine
750gr wheat meal - couscous
- Clean (wash) all vegetables and cut them into large squares, I use a mandolin.
- Brown the onion in a little olive oil (attention olive oil is to my knowledge the only oil that I can safely heat up).
- Add the carrots, courgettes, peppers, eggplant and chickpeas (which we first rinsed off or even cook if they were not cooked yet, these in the pot on the picture are already cooked).
- Add the can of peeled tomatoes and the 2 tablespoons of vegetable stock.
- Add the couscous spices, the quantity of your choice
- Let it boil for at least 2 hours.
- After 2 hours the sauce is ready.
For the couscous, see the description on the packaging.
If I like to buy them in bulk in the organic shop, then I provide 100gr to 150gr per person.
Pour a volume of couscous into a container and pour the same volume of boiling salted water over it (in this case for 6 persons +-750gr, only one teaspoon of sea salt should be good for the salted water).
Allow to swell for about 10 minutes until the water is fully absorbed.
Add 50gr (for 500gr couscous) of vegetable margarine to the couscous and stir continuously until the margarine has completely melted in the couscous.
Just serve and bon appetit!
And? Come on? Let me know, it's quite easy, isn’t it?
Take things easy, listen to each other, be compassionate with each other, stay together, enjoy the delicious food and remember that it is the people with whom I am that is more important than eating. Be there for and with them!
Yes, Steven, help, there is no meat in that dish, we die!
Believe me, you have some margin, personally it's been 5 years since I left out animal products and if you read this blog, it's rather the opposite of dying that happened to me!
#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #invitevegans #abundanceoffruits #abundanceofvegetables #noanimalproducts #happycow #removemeat #useveggiemilk #useoliveoil #usevegetablemargarine #inspiredbyNorthAfricancuisine #Couscous #organicBeauvechain #lepotagerdelise #monpanierbio #biostory #thefoodhub #easyvegandishes #Bethereforandwiththem
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