I once read about the Asian culture that they have some kind of network, in which all people have some direct connections (we could say very close good friends or family). If they want to get in contact or know more about people outside their direct connections, they work via the direct connections of their direct connection, in the form of introduction or recommendation. When I first heard about this more than 10 years ago, I found it very weird and a limiting slower way of living. Today, after my food changing habits, I do see some positive aspects in that, and it is something I try to apply more often, of course, most of the time in what I found a western way of doing it (I have some personal feeling of never wanting to bothering someone for my personal journey, books and technology somehow allow that today, besides that I will only in very rare cases ask for direct help, not sure if it is a good or bad thing...).
Meaning that every time I came in contact with somebody that was somehow active around plant based lifestyle, approaches I liked very much, that were very inspiring to me... I would look to their interest and resources, to get deeper into things and get educated myself on some subjects. The approach helped me very much as finding out quite fast about some amazing people and resources. When I read the amazing book from Tobias Leenaert, I felt so much inspired by it, that I made it a clear action item by going over all resources mentioned in the book.
In the resources, I would find a reference to a podcast The Plant-Based Entrepreneur Show. The subject and concept, sounded very interesting to me and when I looked more in detail into it, it was downloadable, so I definitely had to give it a try.
I’ve like I explained here, falling into listening to podcasts via Rich Roll.
What I liked very much about his podcast was besides the content, the quality of the audio, the fact that you can download them and especially allow me to listen to them offline whenever I want to (I’m not mister connected all the time like explained here). Every time I would look into a potential new interesting podcast, if they were not downloadable, I would very often only listen to one of them and not pursue that road.
So the podcast, The Plant-Based Entrepreneur Show looked all good. The first one I listened to, was of course Tobias Leenaert and quite fast Ken Spector, Meg and Komie Vora, Jodi Monelle... followed. All inspiring people I already heard or wanted to learn more about.

Being used to listen only to Rich Roll’s podcast so far, I’ve to admit that when I first listened to Jerry Server’s - The Plant-Based Entrepreneur Show podcast, I was a bit disappointed by the audio quality and by the very strict, clear articulating English by Jerry. It makes it of course very understandable, I found it just personally a bit less attractive to listen to, than listening to Rich talks, which sounds more rock and roll (of course just a matter of personal taste). Now something that surprised me very much and what a podcast in general is of course all about, is the content. Jerry really manages to get very interesting information out of these inspiring people and provide it via, a way to inspire others with very useful information. I’m even sure it provides that little push to those that would be hesitating in starting a Plant-Based business.

When I listened to the recent podcast’s with Moby and Nathan Runkle, 2 amazing guys, that also Rich has interviewed, it really showed me the nice and authentic way of Jerry to get other very interesting information to inspire as well. It made me personally realize that both podcasts are complementary to me, addressing different views and results in me having 2 podcasts I closely follow and try to grab out any inspiration I can get.

So if you are or want to become a Plant-Based Entrepreneur, I can strongly recommend to listen to Jerry’s podcast on http://www.theplantbasedentrepreneur.com/, great work and continues every time to inspire people all over the world including myself!
#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #PlantBasedLlifestyle #TobiasLeenaert #ThePlantBasedEntrepreneurShow #podcast #RichRoll #KenSpector #MegVora # KomieVora #JodiMonelle #InspiringPeople #JerryServer #Moby #NathanRunkle
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