Vegan is to a lot of people presented as better.
Better for what?
And if it is better for something, there are of course always both sides of the story…
When I went to a plant based lifestyle back in 2014, I imagined to discover a community of extremely healthy people. When then going to events organized in the vegan movement, I have to say that at that moment, the opposite was rather true. It felt very similar like in Belgium discovering that politician Maggie De Block, is the Minister of Health. Something for me was not right.
That made me realize, that although I encourage everybody largely to go vegan, it doesn’t necessarily mean healthier.
It is great for the planet, great for the animals… definitely the way forward from that point of view, now it is not necessarily great for my health.
Why not? It is all plant based right?
Yes, well, vegetables and fruits are indeed vegan and if everybody would only eat that, we will definitely see the difference. Now vegan today, means that I can almost live the same lifestyle as I used to live before I went plant based.
Yes, bread, fries, pastas, ice creams, pancakes, sugar, waffles, burgers… can all be vegan. The fact that they are vegan, might be that they are a very little healthier compared to the usual western diet versions of it, now it doesn’t make them the food to live on. If I do live on them, I can imagine the implications maybe not be as radical as in the usual western diet, now they will not be far off it.
Today I know I do not need bread, fries, pastas, ice creams, pancakes, waffles, burgers…to survive, now they provide to some people such an extreme pleasure that they have a hard time living without them.
So it is not with the food that we will solve these issues, and so yes, going vegan provides a lot of benefits, now if I have profound issues on other sides of my life (like I explain here), they will not be solved by eating the vegan versions of that food.
Today we see that a lot of medicines to treat chronic diseases, do include plants.
Broccoli, cauliflower, green leaves… are only a few of the vegetables that contain excellent resources that help my body in the healing process. Why is that, well, I might think nature provided them for us. Well, what would happen if we would actually eat them close to their whole food state? Might it be that we’ve then these excellent healing resources in our body? Personally, I’m not saying it might, I strongly believe it is.
So if I move away from processed food (whether it be out of our western diet or already from a vegan diet) and get back to plant based food as close as possible to their whole food state, that is when I believe we will start to see the health benefits as well.
It is when I felt that my body felt better than it has ever felt before (due to the vegetables and fruits I eat close to their whole food state), together with knowing that I try to do my best for the planet, for the animals (vegan), that I hit the jackpot and found love in everything!
So from my point of view, vegan and healthy go together, now I do realize that if I don’t go all the way, it might not be the case!
With all the products that exist today on the market, transitioning from a western diet to a vegan diet is very easy. I strongly encourage making that step and feel the benefits. I would say, nevertheless, don’t stop there, if I felt some benefits in the beginning when making the switch, there was way more to discover I didn’t blog covers the majority of them.
If curious, please go over them and more than welcome to reach out to me if any questions or comments!
#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #vegan #plantbasedlifestyle #Belgiumpolitician #MaggieDeBlock #MinisterofHealth #health #excellenthealingresources #lovefortheplanet #loveforanimals
This is really a good question to ask myself, 'why did I eat meat'?
Most likely, the answer is, because someone told me to do so, whom was also told to do so.
Who originally said this? Very likely someone trying to experience new things in life.
It was at that moment very rare, exclusive… and those are things that catch quite often humans attention. So probably more tried it out and it became so culturally involved, that we don’t know better than what we do today.

Some logic reflections I make myself;
- How do I get my meat? Do I take it from dead animals on the street? If not, how do I kill the animals? (I don’t… euhm… that’s strange… I eat killed animals and I’m not capable of killing them myself, how will I survive?)
- I rather prefer not to know that they were killed. (mmm… so I eat meat and don’t like to see slaughterhouses… normally it should be a pleasure to see that… since it is that delicious meat I will eat.)
- In his raw form, so just killed, what kind of meat do I like? (none… well that’s strange… I’m a meat eater and there is no meat that I eat raw, they all need some kind of preparation.)
- I like it when it is prepared and cooked in a specific way with special (plant based) spices on it. (so I only like it after it has been prepared in a specific way… isn’t that strange?)
- It tastes nice when I get it into my mouth, now when it goes into my body, it doesn’t feel that nice anymore. It just feels full.
Isn’t it strange that I eat something that morally I cannot get myself (I need others to kill it for me) and I only like it when it is completely prepared with some kind of sauce?
Let’s now take the example with a simple vegetable, the carrot.
How do I get my carrot?
I get it out of my garden where it grows and I don’t need to be a serial killer doing that, even the children do it without further trauma.
I prefer the carrot out of my garden above the one from the shop, the taste is completely different and I’m pretty sure the nutritions in it, are as well.
When I get it out of the garden, I remove the muddy dirt from it and eat it right away.
Yes, I can prepare and cook it as well, now it is not necessary and it is a different experience.
When it gets into my body, it feels nice and I feel great afterwards.
If I’m not completely convinced of the above, I should try and compare them against each other, which is what I did, and it opened my world completely.
I left meat out, since I realized it is in for nothing.
Like musician Paul McCartney once said: “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian”.
Why do you eat meat?
What are your sources who learned you this?
#peace #goodfood #nature #fruitsandvegetables #wholefood #whydidIeatmeat #greatcarrot #PaulMcCartney #Whydoyoueatmeat